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The Lodge meets four times each year.

Most meetings take place during the evening (around 5.30pm) in St James’s, London SWI. Following each meeting we enjoy a pleasant dinner, often with friends from other Lodges.

As a London-based Lodge, we are administratively part of the Metropolitan Grand Lodge of London.


One of the great pleasures of being a Mason is the ability to visit other Lodges at home and abroad and always receive a warm welcome. It is rare, not to have several visiting brethren from other Lodges present at our meetings. 

Visitors to a Lodge are most often directly invited by a member of that Lodge, but it is also possible to contact a lodge Secretary and ask (on proving one’s Masonic credentials) to visit that lodge where a fraternal welcome is guaranteed. 

What happens at a Lodge Meeting? 

The meeting is in two parts. The first part covers administrative procedures; minutes of the last meeting, proposing and balloting for new members, discussing and voting on financial matters, election of officers, news and correspondence and collection of charity. 

Then there are the ceremonies of admitting new Masons and the annual installation of the new Master and appointment of officers. There are three ceremonies for admitting new masons. Each ceremony is in two parts- a slight dramatic instruction in the principles and lessons taught in the Craft followed by a lecture in which the candidate’s various duties are spelled out. Those members who play a part learn their role by heart, various texts, the Master having the most work to do ! 

At the completion of each ceremony, the candidate is given regalia to wear. At the completion of the third ceremony, the candidate becomes a Master Mason and wears his regalia to every meeting of his or any other lodge that he visits. For every meeting, Masons wear dark suits, a black, Old School or Craft tie and white gloves. Such clothing and regalia have historical and symbolic meaning and like a uniform, serves to indicate to members where they rank in the organisation. 

Because one of the goals of Freemasonry is fellowship, a meal is usually served, generally after the meeting. This goes by the name of “festive board” and ceremonial toasting takes place, not least to welcome the newly made Mason as well as visitors and guests. 

If you would like to know more about us or have an informal chat about joining us either as a member or to arrange a visit, please contact the Lodge Secretary for more information

Our Meetings: Text

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